массаж спины и шейно грудного отдела
Clinically languid (гипотоничная, hypermobile) the muscle is characterized by an original complex осязательных sensations тестоватости, decrease{reduction} in elasticity at пальпации, the raised{increased} extensibility and, naturally, increase in volume of movements in a corresponding joint. The reserve of movement in this case is sharply limited also sensation of a barrier осязательно reminds cicatricial контрактуру muscles. Clearly, that the length of a muscle, i.e. border of rigid barrier ЖБ at the languid and short muscles are distinctive feature of two different pathological conditions. Подробнее...
Мануальный therapist Sergey Makeev, by the way, has developed, and has patented special "soft" technics{technical equipment}, she{it} refers to " апертурно-zone therapy " is a variant of manipulation. Including воздействиe not only on a backbone, but also on bones of a skull and bodies of a belly cavity. At work by this technique of painful sensations in a backbone at the patient practically it does not happen. Подробнее...