массаж для спины
The first All-Union symposium has taken place in 1989 on manipulation (Moscow); in the performance of his{its} decisions in 1990 the All-Union Association мануальной medicine (ВАММ), subsequently the Russian Federal Association мануальной the medicine, having numerous regional branches is organized. A theoretical basis of the first stage of development of manipulation in the country is the concept of primary structural defeat of a backbone (osteochondrosis), the founder and the continuer of basic researches in this direction is professor J.J.Popeljansky with the numerous pupils. In the subsequent these representations with reference to manipulation are reconsidered: object of manipulation are not structural changes, and functional reorganizations in activity локомоторной systems (G.A.Ivanichev, 1990; A.A.Liev, 1995). By honourable president ВАММ the professor To Lewit for the oustanding contribution to development мануальной medicine in the world, its{her} becoming in Russia is elected. Подробнее...
Stop and boots at плоскостопов look not how at people with normal stops. Such to stop you will not name "nice". She{it} is longer usual, is flattened ugly out, and in the middle is excessively expanded. Besides stop it is as though developed{unwrapped} by a sole outside (orthopedists name its{her} such characteristic position by "pronation"). Boots are usually ruthlessly worn down at the heels from an internal part of a sole. At people with normal stops heels wear out on external edge{territory}, and socks - on internal. Подробнее...